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Missing gogo’s remains found in forest



By Anita Dangazele

The family of 84-year-old Nolisini Ivy Simaniyo have confirmed that her remains have been found in a forest in Dubu location.

Simaniyo from Qonce went missing in March on her way to the Phelophepha Health Train in Qonceg to get glasses from the Transnet’s Phelophepha Health Train. 

This train offers healthcare services like vision checks, general health checks, and basic dentistry, either for free or for a small fee.

Nolisini wanted to be first in line for her appointment on 5 March but never made it to the train station. 

Her granddaughter, Yonela Simaniyo, said her remains were found on 16 June by herdsmen in a forest in Dubu location.

“We got a call on Youth Day from the village chief, telling us a body was found in a nearby forest and we should check if it was our grandmother,” Yonela said. 

“The day after the public holiday, we went and identified her. We recognised her clothes and knew it was her.”

Nolisini was wearing a grey beret, grey jersey, pleated beige skirt, black shoes, and carrying a red fleece. 

Because her remains were so decomposed, the family could not hold a proper burial. 

The cause of death is not clear, but the police have opened an investigation.

 “There were no visible injuries on her body,” Yonela said.

Pictured above: The missing elderly woman Nolisini Ivy Simaniyo, 84.

Source: Supplied

Full Story Source: Missing gogo’s remains found in forest

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