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Life Sentence For Man Who Strangled 15-Year-Old To Death While Raping Her



In a landmark ruling by the Mossel Bay Regional Court in the Western Cape, Johan Counter has been sentenced to life in prison for the brutal rape and murder of a 15-year-old girl.

The court convicted him on charges of rape and murder on Tuesday. Counter, who pleaded guilty, admitted to the heinous crime committed on 29 January 2023 at Groot Sergfontein Farm.

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Counter met the teenage girl while visiting his nephew at the mentioned farm. They were drinking with friends, including the victim. Counter followed the victim outside and, despite her refusal, he forcibly took her to a secluded area next to a water tank.

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Eric Ntabazalila, the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) regional spokesperson, stated that Counter overpowered the girl, raped her, and strangled her to death when she attempted to scream.

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In his admission statement, Counter confessed that he continued to rape the girl while strangling her to prevent her screams from being heard.

He acknowledged that he was aware that his actions might kill her. After the crime, he went back inside without informing anyone about what had transpired.

The victim’s body was found the next day, and when questioned by his nephew, Counter could not deny his involvement. The police were called, and Counter was arrested shortly thereafter.

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The NPA welcomed the life sentence handed to Counter. Ntabazalila emphasized that Counter understood the gravity of his actions and the legal repercussions.

His name will be entered into the national register of sex offenders, ensuring that justice is served and future crimes are prevented.

This verdict stands as a stark reminder of the legal system’s commitment to protecting vulnerable individuals and delivering justice for such grievous offences.

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Full Story Source: Life Sentence For Man Who Strangled 15-Year-Old To Death While Raping Her

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