Learner wants to quit school after being bullied

By Buziwe Nocuze
A Grade 10 student from Lentegeur High School in Cape Town hid the bullying he was enduring – until he came home with a swollen face and legs.
“At first my son didn’t want to tell us what really happened. He wanted to hide the bullying he has been suffering at school,” his mother told Scrolla.Africa
On Wednesday, a group of students at the school allegedly beat up her son because he didn’t have money.
“We noticed that money was disappearing at home. We were confused about who was taking the money and why,” she said. “We then found out that my son was taking money and giving it to bullies at the school so they would stop bullying him.”
The parent went to the school to tell the principal. “I was expecting the school to call the kids who are bullying my child with their parents so that this could be resolved,” she said.
“I was shocked when the teachers told me they could not allow me to meet the learners because they might attack me.”
The mother said that the teachers are also afraid of the group that bullies other kids.
“The black children are being abused at school. My son told me that he didn’t want to go back and that his friend had quit school. It looks like the teachers are protecting themselves from this group, but what about our kids’ safety?” she asked.
Unathi Booi from the Western Cape Education department said the learner left school without giving a statement and returned the next day with his parents.
“Details of the incident were collected and an investigation is now underway. Immediate action has been taken, and some perpetrators have been identified. The school will follow its disciplinary procedures,” said Booi.
Pictured above: Lentegeur High School.
Source: Lentegeur High School/Facebook
Full Story Source: Learner wants to quit school after being bullied