Renowned South African music producer and DJ, Prince Kaybee, recently took the internet by storm with his unique perspective on the do’s and don’ts of...
Young Stunna will perform at the Afro Nation 2024 in Portugal Amapiano is fully represented on the lineup for the Afro-Nation 2024 which will...
The commission of inquiry into the devastating fire that claimed the lives of seventy-seven people in the Usindiso building has resumed, but shocking reports have emerged...
ANC Member of Parliament, Jacob Boy Mamabolo, is facing a ‘cheating scandal’ after a viral video captured him kissing a woman during the party’s January 8...
Londie London, the former Real Housewives of Durban star and singer, has confirmed that she split with her businessman boyfriend Sphamandla Mabonga. Mabonga was put...
Renowned sangoma and deejay, Gogo Skhotheni, recently made a candid revelation to her fans and followers on social media, announcing her newfound single status after parting...
Oscar Pistorius has reportedly undergone three noticeable changes in his appearance since he was released on parole on 5 January. The convicted Paralympic star, who killed...
In a recent episode of The Venting Podcast, gospel star Solly Moholo bravely shared his personal struggles with depression and thoughts of suicide. The renowned musician...
Exciting news in the world of celebrities as DJ Maphorisa and Thulisile Phongolo have officially reignited their love and are back together as a couple. Their...
Sbahle Mpisane, the daughter of Sbu Mpisane and Shauwn ‘MaMkhize’ Mkhize, was arrested for breaking the law in Johannesburg. According to Zimoja, the reality TV star...