Jacob Zuma booted out of ANC

@scrollaafrica ANC kicks out Jacob Zuma for starting the MK party. #JacobZuma#Zuma#ANC#MK ♬ original sound Scrolla.Africa
By Zukile Majova
Political Editor
The ANC has expelled Jacob Zuma, its former president.
Zuma started the MK party and campaigned for it, urging ANC members to join him.
All this while insisting on remaining a member of the ANC.
ANC secretary general Fikile Mbalula blamed Zuma for the ANC’s poor showing at the 29 May elections where the party’s support declined from 57.5% to 40%.
Zuma’s new party gained 15% of the national share of the vote and 45% in Zuma’s homeland province of KwaZulu-Natal.
A leaked report of the findings of the disciplinary committee said Zuma could still appeal the ruling within 21 days.
The ruling said Zuma was found guilty of “prejudicing the integrity or reputation of the organisation by acting in collaboration with a registered political party”.
“The charged member is expelled from the ANC.”
The last time the ANC expelled an influential figure from its rank was in 2012 when it expelled Julius Malema, the former president of its youth wing.
Malema went on to form the EFF which recently won just under 10% of the vote.
Zuma and Malema have already joined forces to form the so-called Progress Caucus, a bulwark of opposition parties against the newly formed government of national unity.
Pictured above: Jacob Zuma.
Source: File
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