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INTERNSHIP job circular by MPRTCin 2022




Are you trying for INTERNSHIP employment in a corporate corporation? Recently, MPRTC has expressed a INTERNSHIP employment job circular. And they are trying for the efficient staff for their corporation. On this circular page, you are going to get full information. Also, if you want to apply for this INTERNSHIP employment follow this.

Basic Job Info:

Name Details
employment INTERNSHIP
corporation name MPRTC
Job Location Brits, North West
Job Type Internship

Job details


  • Beng Process Graduate

By submitting any Personal Information to MPRTC in any form you acknowledge that such conduct constitutes a reasonable unconditional, specific and voluntary consent to the processing and storing of such Personal Information by MPRTC and/or MPRTCs clients and/or verification information suppliers. You voluntarily consent that for the purposes of potentially gaining future employment opportunities, thorough background screening which may include but will not be limited to criminal, fraud, ITC and employment reference checks may be conducted. Should you have not been contacted within 14 days, please consider your application unsuccessful. You have the right to “Opt-Out” of electronic communications from us at any time and you also have the right to request us to delete your personal information by contacting us.

{“@context” :””,”@type” : “JobPosting”,”title” : “INTERNSHIP job circular by MPRTC”,”description” : “

Are you trying for INTERNSHIP employment in a corporate corporation? Recently, MPRTC has expressed a INTERNSHIP employment job circular. And they are trying for the efficient staff for their corporation. On this circular page, you are going to get full information. Also, if you want to apply for this INTERNSHIP employment follow this.

“,”datePosted” : “2022-04-30″,”validThrough” : “2023-04-30″,”employmentType” : “Full-Time”,”hiringOrganization” : {“@type” : “Organization”,”name” : “MPRTC”},”jobLocation”: {“@type”: “Place”,”address”: {“@type”: “PostalAddress”,”streetAddress”: “MPRTC”,”addressLocality”: “Brits, North West”,”addressRegion”: “Brits, North West”,”postalCode”: “0000”,”addressCountry”:”za”}},”baseSalary”: {“@type”:”MonetaryAmount”,”currency”: “ZAR”,”value”: {“@type”: “QuantitativeValue”,”minValue”: 5000,”maxValue”: 15000,”unitText”:”Month”}}}


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