“I’m living underground like a hunted Criminal.” Patricia Mashale.

Patricia Mashale, the whistle blower accused police minister Bheki Cele on serious allegations of corruption has come forward to the public asking for support.
Mashale claims that she doesn’t have money to pay for accommodation and she is living underground like a hunted Criminal. “Im enemy number one to the government. My plea out there to the international community is to intervene in this issue, before I eventually lose my life.
She said that what she exposed is apparently bigger that what she anticipated because the people don’t want to be exposed. Mashale hopes to get assistance from the public as she said that she hopes her story will get to as much viewers as possible.
Mashale has in the past days went on a spree of exposing corruption which she claims is taking place at SAPS. Since she started there have been a few details of SAPS officers whl are alleged to be illegal immigrants and have apparently been hired unlawfully by SAPS.
Zama said that she truly and fully sympathize with her. “I’ll surely contribute something towards your well being and hope legal giants will assist you as well. However I find it strange that you expect assistance from international community, the very same people youaccusembeing foreigners.”
The post “I’m living underground like a hunted Criminal.” Patricia Mashale. appeared first on Taxi Times.
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