Illegal miners struggle to afford burying their dead

By Doreen Mokgolo
Family members of four illegal miners who died during Operation Vala uMgodi in Daggafontein near Springs three weeks ago are struggling to afford their burial.
The group was able to crowdfund enough money to send three bodies back to Zimbabwe and are now struggling with four more bodies.
During the raid three weeks ago, the multi-disciplinary team made up of police and officers from the SANDF allegedly set a swamp on fire to force the illegal miners out of hiding. Scores of miners sustained severe burn wounds while seven miners, trapped in the swamp, were killed in the fire.
In an interview with Scrolla.Africa, Elizabeth Masivivha, whose husband Njodzi Mavhengwa died during the raid, said she is struggling to raise enough money to transport his body and pay for a funeral.
“With the help of the community we were able to raise R9,000. We’re still short of R12,000 to be able to afford to transport his body to Zimbabwe.
“I am unemployed and don’t know where and how I will be able to afford his funeral. We were depending on him for survival,” she said.
The 45-year-old mother of five said her husband moved to Springs four months ago with the promise of a job.
“He worked as a temporary construction worker but was struggling financially as the odd jobs would only come once in a while.
“After moving here, he was able to afford to pay for our children’s fees, and to start construction of our house in Zimbabwe,” she said.
An illegal miner who asked not to be named said through illegal mining they were able to raise funds to pay for the medical bills of those in hospital and buy food for those injured who can’t work.
“We don’t have a choice; these are our brothers and sisters who were trying to make a living to support their families back at home,” he said.
Pictured above: Elizabeth Masivivha.
Source: Doreen Mokgolo
Full Story Source: Illegal miners struggle to afford burying their dead