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‘If I DIE, arrest Ramaphosa for my murder’



Patricia Morgan-Mashale claims to be sitting on a number of explosive bombshells. According to the whistleblower, two high-ranking cops – including a serving general – are actually foreign nationals. That, in her words, is the tip of a very corrupt iceberg…

Specific cases of nepotism, multi-million rand fraud, and forgery have been raised by PMM. Her full account is truly something to behold. However, in the early hours of Sunday morning, she went public with the details – after allegedly surviving an assassination attempt.

“This evening, I was chased by a black Ford Ranger. It was like an action movie. I was so shocked I couldn’t even drive to a police station. I felt like going there would also get me killed. It felt like I was a hunted animal. This wasn’t ordinary criminals, it was from the government.”

“They knew I was coming on the show this evening. When I first blew the whistle on SAPS corruption, there was another attempt on my life. I had to go into hiding. They will not let me apply for protection. My location has already been compromised.” said Patricia Morgan-Mashale

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