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How To Set Goals – 7 Steps To Better Objectives



Defining goals
Some people have trouble sticking to goals because they confuse them with casual self-improvement. Running every day isn’t always a conscious goal. Let’s review goal-setting.

Goal setting begins with identifying a new objective, skill, or project. Then you work to achieve it.

Instead of running aimlessly, a true goal would be to train for a specific race.

Why set goals?
By setting goals, you direct your life or work. Goals focus you. Your decisions and actions should advance your goals.

Goals keep you moving, boost your happiness, and benefit your company. Setting goals creates a vision for your life or business. Then you push yourself and your team to succeed.

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7-step goal-setting guide
Why don’t we achieve important goals? Because we don’t plan.

A goal setting process forces you to think about the journey, not just the end destination. Start by following these steps.

1. Consider desired results
Before setting a goal, ask yourself these questions:

-Do you want this?
-Is it worth investing hours?
-If you can’t commit time, it may not be worth it.

If you have too many goals, you may not achieve any of them. Use the questions above to determine which goals are most important to you now.

2. SMART goals
Once you know what you want, make sure it’s SMART.

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound.

The most important part of SMART goal setting is being specific so you can track your progress and know if you achieved it. More specific goals increase the likelihood of success.

Many people set weight-loss goals, but they don’t always decide how much and when. I want to lose 25 pounds by July 4th. This goal specifies a weight-loss amount and deadline.

3. Write your goals down
When you write down your goals, they become real and tangible. Put personal goals on your mirror or computer screen, team goals on the walls next to everyone’s desks, and company goals in internal presentations.

This strategy reminds you to work on goals daily. Use a positive tone when writing your goals to stay motivated.

4. Develop a strategy
Many people set a goal but don’t create an action plan. Your action plan should include your overall goal and all necessary steps.

Plan creatively. Get creative like in grade school. Use crayons, markers, or colored pencils to write your goal. Forbes says this method activates a different part of the brain and cements goals.

5.Make a timeline
Use a timeline to visualize roles, tasks, milestones, and deadlines in your action plan. Once you set dates, try to keep them. A timeline creates urgency, which motivates you to finish on time.

6. Take action
After planning, act. You didn’t work hard for nothing. Every step you take should lead to the next.

7. Re-evaluate and assess your progress
Your goal requires strong motivation. Consider weekly progress and schedule checks. Seeing the finish line will motivate you to finish. Adjust and keep going if you’re behind.

Source Link How To Set Goals – 7 Steps To Better Objectives

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