The reign of House Targaryen begins: House of the Dragon, the prequel to Game of Thrones, is here. Based on George R.R. Martin’s “Fire & Blood,” the series, which is set 200 years before the events of Game of Thrones, tells the story of House Targaryen.
House of the Dragon stars Paddy Considine (HBO’s The Third Day and The Outsider), Matt Smith (Doctor Who), Olivia Cooke, Emma D’Arcy, Steve Toussaint (It’s a Sin, Doctor Who), Eve Best, Sonoya Mizuno, Fabien Frankel, and Rhys Ifans.
In other news – Lerato Kganyago responds to claims she is pregnant
South African radio presenter and media personality, Lerato Kganyago has clarified a tweep who feels she looks pregnant.
It all started when a tweep asks the star not to get offended by what she wanted to say. Learn more
Source Link House of the Dragon S1 → E9 – The Green Council