Hijacking on the rise in Springs

By Doreen Mokgolo
Ekurhuleni police commissioner, Major-General Anna Sithole, is concerned about the rise in car hijackings, car thefts and house robberies in Springs, Ekurhuleni in recent weeks.
On Wednesday, police and other law enforcement agencies conducted a major operation based on intelligence, arresting 215 suspects in Ekurhuleni.
Among them are four suspects who were arrested in Springs for several house robberies.
On Saturday evening, Simphiwe Dintsi, the principal of Esibonelwesihle Secondary School, was hijacked at gunpoint in his driveway by four suspects.
In an interview with Scrolla.Africa, Dintsi said he was coming home from his grandmother’s house in Duduza when the suspects attacked him. They forced him into the back of his car.
“They told me not to look at their faces, then covered my face and forced me into the back of the car. They drove a short distance before putting me in the boot,” he said.
“They disconnected the car alarm for five hours while I was trapped in the boot. They eventually dropped me off in Tsakani Ext 10 informal settlement and forced me to run away before driving off,” he said.
A traumatised Dintsi said the suspects pointed four guns at him and threatened to kill him.
“I kept praying they would spare my life. The car I can always replace,” he said.
Sithole said that during a roadblock along Paul Kruger Highway, police identified two taxis and a Toyota Hilux with engine numbers that had been tampered with, leading to their removal from the road.
Pictured above: Major-General Anna Sithole.
Source: Doreen Mokgolo
Full Story Source: Hijacking on the rise in Springs