Velile Makhoba’s salary on Gomora has been revealed and has left many surprised. Velile has been playing her role to perfection on Gomora as Gugu, the daughter of the late Mbongeni Ndaba, whom he had outside his wedlock. She was raised by her uncle Phumlani and grandparents in Eastern Cape. Her role is her first acting gig, but she nailed it so well. Proving that she is a master of her crafts, Gugulethu keeps Gomora viewers glued to their screens.
Velile joined Gomora in season two when she intruded on the wedding of Phumlani and Thati and blamed Thati for stealing her father’s money and showing off on social media.
The character of Gugulethu wasn’t happy that Phumlani abandoned her in Eastern Cape and relocated to Gomora to be with Thati. Gugu hated Thati for stealing her father’s, leaving her without a father figure.
Feeling guilty, Phumlani and Thati chose to stay with Gugu so they could make it up to her, showing her unconditional love and treating her like their own daughter. However, fate decided otherwise, and Phumlani died; Gugu moved to MaSonto’s home, where she is currently staying despite attempts by MaChonco, his grandmother, to take her to Eastern Cape.
Despite Gomora being one of the low-budget telenovelas in the country, Gomora showrunners have managed to pay their actors handsomely. As a newcomer actress Velile Makhoba is being paid R25 000 monthly, something reasonable for a recurring actresss.
Gugu’s character may be written off as his father is now late, and MaChonco is after her so they can move to Eastern Cape. In the recent episode of Gomora, Thati even gave her the go-ahead to move to Eastern Cape as she is not safe in Gomora.
According to the August teasers, Gugu will say goodbye to her friends and family, which may be the last time we will see her on Gomora.
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Source Link Gomora actress Gugulethu ‘Velile Makhoba’s salary stuns Mzansi