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EXPOSED|| South African People Blame Foreigners For Crime But Look What They Were Caught With – iReport South Africa News





When you talk about crime, people relate these acts to foreigners, especially Zimbabweans, Nigerians, and Ethiopians. They are the ones who are blamed for almost every crime that happens in Mzanzi. This is the reason why people are calling for them to be chased. They claim that foreigners commit common crimes, knowing that they can never be tracked since their paper work is not recorded in home affairs.

The truth is that although most foreigners are criminals, there are some who have pure intentions, and they are here to look for a greener pasture in a peaceful way. Nowadays, every crime that is committed in the country is blamed on foreigners. Some of the locals commit crimes knowing that they will blame foreigners. There are South African citizens who are criminals and also drug dealers, but many reports never show this; they only show foreigners.

Following all that, there are other South African criminals who were caught doing crimes that many people think are only done by foreigners. After receiving an unknown tip, the Tshwane metro police department raided a house in Heuweloord, Centurion, and what they found shocked people. They found that the house owner was selling illegal cigarettes, alcohol without a liquor licence, and fuel without a licence. The owner was arrested at the scene. See photos of the things they found in the house below:


After this was posted, many people supported this man and said he’s trying to make a living because the government is failing us. Some even went on to say he should be free because he was not stealing but hustling for his family. Many people took his side, but if it was a foreigner, they would have even called for him to be burned alive. This shows that the hate that South Africans have towards foreigners goes beyond just the crime that they allegedly commit. See some of the comments from social media users below.


A crime is a crime, whether it is committed by a local citizen or a foreigner. This man must face the rules for his criminality. People should stop blaming foreigners for everything because there are also South Africans who are criminals. Although the government might not be providing jobs, there are so many ways that one can make a living instead of doing something illegal.


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