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EFF Supporters Arrested For Vandalizing Louis Botha Statue Outside Parliament



EFF Supporters Arrested For Vandalizing  Louis Botha Statue Outside Parliament-SurgeZirc SA
EFF Supporters Arrested For Vandalizing Louis Botha Statue Outside Parliament

Three people, two men and a woman, were arrested after the Louis Botha statue at Parliament’s main entrance was vandalized.

In social media videos, EFF supporters can be seen climbing the statue and repeatedly hitting it while hurling debris to the ground. Other protesters applaud the vandals as onlookers stare in horror.

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Colonel Athlenda Mathe, a police spokesperson, said that at 14:42 this afternoon, members of the SAPS spotted the trio in possession of a ladder, grinder, and generator near the statue.

“Members of the SAPS moved in swiftly and managed to confiscate the items. During a scuffle between members of the SAPS and the trio, one of the male suspects managed to spray paint as well as to vandalise the statue with a hammer.”

She went on to say that all three had been arrested and charged with malicious property damage, resisting arrest, and assault on police officers.

The three individuals, two men aged 28 and 39, and a 32-year-old woman, are scheduled to appear in court soon.

The vandalism of Gen. Louis Botha’s statue in front of Parliament by EFF members on Wednesday, according to Freedom Front Plus MP Heloise Denner, is unacceptable and demonstrates a culture of lawlessness.

She said the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is a movement founded on hate, and its main goal is to destroy.

“They do not value heritage and diversity at all. It is no secret that this party despises the Afrikaner, its heritage, and its history.

“The ANC government’s attack, incited by the EFF, on the Afrikaner’s heritage landscape was seen in action on Wednesday,” Denner said.

Nathi Mthethwa, Minister of Sport, Arts, and Culture, recently announced his department’s plans to relocate so-called Apartheid statues to statue parks, among other things.

“What exactly is considered an Apartheid statue remains unclear, but in the process, the department and the ANC government have paved the way for disrespectful, rash, and vandalistic behaviour.

“Apparently, uninformed, radical outcasts are under the impression that they have the right and platform to commit such criminal acts of vandalism.”

Nathi Mthethwa, Minister of Sport, Arts, and Culture, recently announced his department’s plans to relocate so-called Apartheid statues to statue parks, among other things. “What exactly is considered an Apartheid statue remains unclear, but in the process, the department and the ANC government have paved the way for disrespectful, rash, and vandalistic behaviour.

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“Apparently, uninformed, radical outcasts are under the impression that they have the right and platform to commit such criminal acts of vandalism.”

Denner stated that the department is equally responsible for the vandals’ actions as the EFF and its members, and that it must be held accountable. “Regardless of the origin of any statue, image, or memorial of historical value, it ought to be respected and conserved because it is part of South Africa’s history and heritage landscape.

“Just because an individual or party does not like, know, or respect a part of our history, it does not give them the right to destroy any statue or memorial that represents that part of history,” she concluded.

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