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Court Convicts Couple For Rape, Murder Of Their Three-Year-Old Daughter



The High Court in Johannesburg on Thursday found a couple guilty of the rape and murder of their three-year-old daughter and the abuse of their six-year-old son.

Women and Men Against Child Abuse (WMACA) reported that the girl had been initially removed from her parents’ care, only to be inexplicably returned to them. Tragically, she died shortly thereafter in 2021.

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The mother, aged 29, was found guilty of murder, while the father, aged 40, was convicted as an accessory to the crime.

The couple faced additional charges, including two counts of assault with the intent to inflict grievous bodily harm by allegedly pouring boiling water on their son.

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Furthermore, they were charged with child abuse for reportedly hitting the girl against a cupboard or wall, striking her with a hand and shoe, and smearing her with faeces.

The boy was similarly abused, with accusations of being assaulted with an electrical cord and hands, and also smeared with faeces.

The court acquitted the couple on the charge of assault GBH of the boy, as it could not be determined whether the boiling water incident was intentional or accidental.

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However, the father was found guilty of child abuse of the girl, and the mother was deemed an accessory after the fact. WMACA’s Luke Lamprecht expressed satisfaction with the convictions handed down by Judge Mokate Noko, commending the state witnesses, including members of SAPS, medical professionals, and the forensic pathologist, for their compelling evidence.

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Lamprecht praised the bravery of the surviving child, who is now under state care, expressing hope that he will recover from the traumatic experiences and lead a normal life.

WMACA highlighted their support for the state’s decision to oppose bail for the couple, emphasizing that they should never have been granted bail initially. The case has been postponed until August 1 to confirm the readiness of pre-sentencing reports and heads of argument concerning the sentencing.

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Full Story Source: Court Convicts Couple For Rape, Murder Of Their Three-Year-Old Daughter

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