In April, it was announced that the popular drama series Gomora would be coming to an end. This news has been met with sadness from fans of the show, who have been watching the cast members leave one by one. Veteran actress Connie Chiume, who played the character Sonto, is next in line to depart.
Emotional Farewell for Connie Chiume
Director Thabang Moleya shared a clip of the visibly emotional actress where the cast and crew were bidding her farewell. Speaking to journalists, Connie said that the cast and crew of Gomora were like a big family. She will miss the people she has been working with for four years, as well as the professionalism and creativity of her colleagues.
Connie Chiume’s Role as Sonto
Connie said she enjoyed playing Sonto, a character that was unfamiliar to her. “Our job is to tell stories and portray characters, I actually really enjoyed Sonto,” she said.
Last Episode of Gomora
The last episode of Gomora will air on October 20th.
Lifetime Achievement Awards for Connie Chiume
The year 2022 marked the beginning of a list of lifetime achievement awards that Connie Chiume was honored with. These included awards from the Royalty Soapie Awards, the annual GQ Men of the Year awards, where she was presented with the Hennessy VSOP Privilège Lifetime Achievement Award, the Hollywood and African Prestigious Awards, and the 16th South African Film and Television Awards.
Connie said that she chose acting because she had a passion for it, not because of the awards that came after. She is grateful for the recognition and sees it as a challenge to do even better in her craft.
From Welkom to Hollywood
Connie never thought she would become an internationally-renowned actress, starring in a Hollywood blockbuster like Black Panther, especially coming from Welkom in the Free State. She credits her success to her passion for acting and her belief in herself.
Future Projects for Connie Chiume
There’s no stopping Connie now. She shared with TshisaLIVE that she is heading to New Orleans in the US to network for a new project she is working on. The Connie Chiume Foundation announced that it will be introducing the “Essence of South Africa” cultural exchange program. Connie hopes to showcase South African talent and establish relationships with creatives in New Orleans for future collaborations.
Source Link Connie Chiume, known as Sonto, takes her final bow on ‘Gomora’