Charcoal business creates jobs for youth in Lusikisiki

By Buziwe Nocuze
Over 25 young people in Qamangweni, Lusikisiki, Eastern Cape, have finally found employment after years of waiting.
This opportunity when Babini Ndleleni started a business in 2020 named Babini J and Sons Charcoal Manufacturers with just six employees.
“I was a sales representative but after Covid-19 hit, we had just four days left of work. I didn’t want to stay idle, so I started a business,” said Ndleleni.
“My goal is not only to create jobs but to also teach people so they can start their own businesses and create more jobs. We can’t keep waiting for the government to create jobs. It’s time we uplift each other and fight unemployment,” Ndleleni said.
Today, he employs 22 men and nine women.
“I’m grateful for everyone’s support. The business is growing, and I don’t regret starting it, even though it wasn’t easy,” said Ndleleni.
They sell 4 kg of charcoal for R40 per bag and 5 kg for R50.
Aviwe Togu, one of the employees, is a civil engineering graduate who struggled to find work.
“I graduated in 2018. I applied for many jobs but I had no luck until Ndleleni hired me,” said Togu.
“What I appreciate about him is that he’s teaching us all the steps so we can eventually start our own businesses. Thanks to him, we can now support our families.”
Togu said all the staff are grateful for the opportunity.
Pictured above: Babini Ndleleni from Lusikisiki in the Eastern Cape started a charcoal business that now employs over 20 people.
Source: Supplied
Full Story Source: Charcoal business creates jobs for youth in Lusikisiki