Pale, whose real name is Palesa Motanyane, became a household name as she participated in the reality television show. Her unexpected eviction on Sunday, 18 February left viewers and...
In the ever-evolving and dynamic landscape of online gaming, a compelling new frontier has emerged, and at its heart lies the transformative integration of digital currencies....
According to Zimoja, Buhle Samuels has allegedly separated from her husband. The actress, who gained fame through her roles in various television shows, tied the knot in early 2022 during...
South African reality TV star, businesswoman, and construction entrepreneur Nonku Williams has revealed the tumultuous journey of her relationship with former convict and businessman Dumisani “Rough Diamond” Ndlazi. Nonku...
In a harrowing incident, Julius ‘KK’ Sono, the revered Orlando Pirates legend, narrowly escaped death during a car accident on a fateful Friday afternoon. Sono, who also...
Natasha Thahane has revealed that she is breaking up with Mamelodi Sundowns star Thembinkosi Lorch . She posted the following message on Instagram A brief update:Thembinkosi...
In the midst of a severe energy crisis that has beleaguered South Africa, the Democratic Alliance (DA) emerges as a pivotal force, capitalizing on the nation’s...
Highlights Sony explains that the KOTOR remake trailer was made private due to expired licenses. The development issues surrounding the KOTOR remake led to some believing...
On Tuesday, February 20, President Cyril Ramaphosa stated the date for the upcoming general national and provincial elections, which will be held on May 29, 2024....
South Africa has witnessed an unprecedented surge in sports gambling in recent years, captivating the nation’s attention enthusiastically. The lure of this burgeoning industry is not...