In an interview with radio and television news anchor Thembekile Mrototo of Newzroom Afrika, Khaya Sithole, accountant and activist, voiced his opinion on the implications of...
In the serene landscapes of Isimangaliso Wetland Park, a routine bird watching expedition transformed into an extraordinary wildlife encounter when Ian Ferreira, a St Lucia-based specialist...
Reading Time: 2 minutes The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is demanding that the disciplinary hearings against six of its members be heard by a judge or...
A police officer who was part of the investigating unit that was tasked with solving the murder case of Senzo Meyiwa testified that accused number one,...
Durban – The Department of Basic Education has amended the 2023 school calendar to accommodate the December 15 public holiday declared by President Cyril Ramaphosa after...
Reading Time: < 1 minutes Western Cape police say contact crimes in the province have increased during the second quarter of the 2023/2024 financial year. This...
Kailene Pillay More than 2.9 million eligible voters showed up at voting stations across the country over the weekend to register for next year’s national general...
A police sergeant attached to the police’s Cold Case Investigation Unit told the court that one of the five men accused of killing Senzo Meyiwa warned...
Reading Time: 3 minutes While other political parties in the City of Joburg Council congratulated the African Independent Congress’ Joburg Caucus leader, Councillor Margaret Arnolds for...
The MEC for Education in KwaZulu-Natal has stepped in to assist a learner in the King Cetshwayo District after she claimed abuse at the hands of...