Tuesday night episode on Mzansi Magic’s Mnakwethu left many viewers heartbroken, after MaShelembe’s husband, Langa, disrespected her by taking a second wife without her knowledge. The...
ANC spokesperson Pule Mabe might land himself in hot water as president Cyril Ramaphosa has ordered the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to probe a company with...
A swati gay married couple has been causing a lot of stir on social media, it seems people fail to understand how things have changed in...
Chief Azwindini has left many people in tears after his romantic birthday party went horribly wrong on Tuesday night when Boipelo made him feel like a...
There is a mostly thrown-around proverbial adage which says “a week is a long time politics”, of course this is due to the usually fast-changing pace...
More headaches for Jacob Zuma as he receives little to no peace despite his current gradual worsening health. Meanwhile, he is almost under every spotlight from...
Another South Africa’s talented actress has landed in hospital following Thembisa Nxumalo who was in hospital for a long time battling against the deadly virus being...
The launch of the most successful companies in Jozi ended in a lot of tears as the drama introduces the most powerful family that will join...
Limpopo has turned out to be the best province when it comes to producing new talent that nobody has ever talked about before in the country...
It ended in happiness for the Turfloop young couple who are still growing up to build a huge family that will inspire generations to come, and...