Bath With Eggas And These 2 Things – Mzansi Leaks

Isichitho is a curse that is made by people using a muthi as to make a divisions in a relationship(or families) by making a victim un-attractive and annoying.
In the majority of situations, the goal is to make the person who wants to steal your partner look unattractive.
Losing a partner to isichitho is just the beginning of the destruction it will wreak on another person’s life; it can also affect how that person is treated in other areas of their life, such as at work, where they may be fired for having the disease in their system.
Can be used by both genders, male and female, but it is almost always used by a woman to another woman. Although both men and women can use isichitho, it is more commonly used by women to other women.
How To Remove Isichitho And Bad Luck
Use 1 liter of milk, 9 eggs, and brown sugar in this recipe. Mix all of these ingredients in a mug, then take a bath while speaking out loud against anything you wish to eliminate from your life, including ill luck, evil spirits, and the Isichitho.
Source Link Bath With Eggas And These 2 Things – Mzansi Leaks