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ANC needs to deeply analyse issues ahead of policy conference, says Charles Nqakula



As the African National Congress (ANC)’s sixth policy conference approaches, party veteran Charles Nqakula said it would be better to have a repeat of the 1969 Morogoro Consultative Conference instead.

Nqakula in an opinion piece published in the publication said this gave the organization a chance for deep analysis of all its problems.

The watershed Morogoro Conference under the guidance of then-ANC leader and it’s longest-serving president OR Tambo is what many say saved the organization when it was on the brink of collapse while exiled from apartheid South Africa.

Nqakula said there was simply no other way to deal with the challenges raised by former secretary general Gwede Mantashe’s 2017 diagnostic report on the state of the organization.

He said this was the only way to decisively deal with the many ills affecting the party.

He writes that this week’s conference will not change the circumstances Mantashe previously flagged; insisting it won’t stop corruption or halt the use of money to buy leadership positions, a trend which took shape in Polokwane in 2007 and became more entrenched at the 2017 elective conference.

Nqakula said some ANC members remained hostile to the strategy and tactics as well as theory and ideology being pursued by the ANC, seeing these as ways to delay their rise to key positions and ultimately access to resources.

The veteran suggests the ANC revisits the Morogoro Conference Solution, highlighting that the second consultative gathering in Zambia’s Kabwe is how the ANC with other organizations reached the 1994 breakthrough giving South Africa its democracy.


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Tinah Mnumzana (Sis Flora)

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Source Link ANC needs to deeply analyse issues ahead of policy conference, says Charles Nqakula

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