Alcohol, carbon monoxide ruled out as cause of deaths of 21 deaths at #EnyobeniTavern

Eastern Cape Premier, Oscar Mabuyane and the National Police Minister, Bheki Cele are currently briefing members of the media on what caused the deaths of the 21 young people who died at #EnyobeniTavern last month.
The toxicology reports from blood samples taken from the 21 victims of the Enyobeni Tavern Tragedy in East London have not been able to determine the cause of death
Dr Litha Matiwane says in summary there is no conclusive evidence to say what exactly led to the 21 deaths. Over consumption of alcohol, stampede has been completely ruled out. Investigation on the matter goes on
EC Health Department Dr Matiwane explains how #Methanol compound can enter the body. He earlier revealed that the preliminary report shows all 21 #EnyobeniTavern teenagers had traces of the compound but yet to determine at what levels.
— Lirandzu Themba (@LirandzuThemba) July 19, 2022
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Source Link Alcohol, carbon monoxide ruled out as cause of deaths of 21 deaths at #EnyobeniTavern