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After Two Failed Marriages! Judith Sephuma And Alleged Ben 10 Leave Mzansi Talking



Renowned singer Judith Sephuma has been hitting the gym hard to sculpt her summer body, and her efforts are definitely paying off.

After a health scare last year that landed her in the ICU, Judith decided to take her health more seriously. She joined the gym and has been working diligently ever since.

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But that’s not all! Judith has found a new source of motivation in her gym instructor, Sibusiso Mazibuko. Sparks flew shortly after she posted a picture of herself with Sibusiso on Instagram.

Fans were quick to speculate whether the jazz star has found love again after two previous marriages. A close friend of Judith revealed, “He is an amazing guy. He has helped her with training, and that’s how the relationship started.”

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Ah, the gym: where muscles and hearts get stronger!

The relationship drew significant attention online, especially when MDN News shared videos of the couple on X, captioning them: “Judith Sephuma and her alleged younger boyfriend.”

The couple looked at ease, joking around and enjoying each other’s company. While some internet users couldn’t resist commenting on the age gap, with remarks like “so he went for a sugar mama,” others stood up for Judith.

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Her fans cheered her on, with one supporter quoting one of her famous songs, “She’s acting her song, the world is full of joy, you cry and smile and you dance.” Another fan encouraged, “If this man makes her happy, do you mama.”

Judith Sephuma is embracing a new chapter in her life—one filled with fitness, love, and happiness. Despite the naysayers, she’s proving that it’s never too late to pursue health and happiness. With Sibusiso by her side, Judith’s summer body goals and newfound romance are a testament to her resilience and joy. Keep shining, Judith!

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Full Story Source: After Two Failed Marriages! Judith Sephuma And Alleged Ben 10 Leave Mzansi Talking

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