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‘Missing’ wife of IFP MP resurfaces amid GBV claims



By Sihle Mavuso

The wife of IFP Youth Brigade leader and MP Sanele Zondo has resurfaced.

Simenyiwe MaDlomo-Zondo was reported missing on Friday last week.

According to her husband, she was heading to Richards Bay for shopping and they later lost contact.

He then issued a public request to help him and his family locate her.

Hours after that call for help, a cellphone screenshot of the wife speaking to family members emerged.

In it, she pointed fingers at Zondo, accusing him of misleading the public and claiming that there are issues of abuse.

“You can now even hit me. You have made me a joke in your society,” read the screenshot that was circulated.

This morning MaDlomo-Zondo went live on her Instagram account to speak about the matter and said that Zondo knew where she was during the time he asked for help to locate her.

“What is shocking to me is that he posted on his Facebook (account) and said ‘my beloved wife’. He even said he suspects my disappearance has to do with his political status.

“Why is he misleading people? Why is he lying? Why is he saying my disappearance has to do with his (political) status?” she said.

The Youth Brigade said Zondo should be given space to address the allegations.

“Given the sensitive nature of the situation, the IFP Youth Brigade respectfully requests that our national chairperson be given the personal space necessary to address the domestic and legal matters raised by Mrs Simenyiwe MaDlomo-Zondo,” it said.

Pictured above: IFP youth leader and MP Sanele Zondo and his wife during happier times.

Source: Facebook

Full Story Source: ‘Missing’ wife of IFP MP resurfaces amid GBV claims

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