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‘Fake chief’ demands R100 per household to sue King



By Celani Sikhakhane

The self-proclaimed chief of Mthatha West, Sakhumzi Mareke, is asking community members to pay R100 per household so he can sue King Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo of the Abathembu, who accused him of criminal activities. 

At a community meeting on Tuesday, the King accused Mareke of being a fake chief and a criminal, saying he had been taking money from vulnerable people, including schools, and illegally taking over government buildings.

Mareke made his request for cash in a WhatsApp group he started. 

He said he was angry at the community for not defending him during the King’s speech. 

“The King attacked me in front of everyone, and you just clapped,” Mareke said. “You didn’t defend me or the other chiefs. Now, I’m asking each household to pay R100 so we can hire lawyers to take the King to court over what he said.” 

A group of people wearing ANC clothing tried to disrupt the King’s meeting while showing support for Mareke. 

ANC Eastern Cape secretary Lulama Ngcukaitobi criticised those who associated with the ANC while engaging in criminal activities. 

“We support the King’s actions and will investigate any ANC members involved in this. The ANC cannot support criminals,” Ngcukaitobi said.

Meanwhile, on Wednesday, there was a strong police presence at Laphuma Ikhwezi Primary School in Mandela Park as classes resumed. 

The school was closed last week after a group claiming to be part of the Abathembu royal family demanded money the school was receiving from a cellphone company for the network tower on its property. 

Four other schools in the area have faced similar demands from the extortion gang.

Pictured above: Self-proclaimed chief Akhumzi Mareke (with sunglasses) and ANC KSD sub-regional chair Kenny Timakhwe during an ANC courtesy visit to Mareke Royal Palace; at centre, police walk with Laphuma Ikhwezi learners to ensure their safety on Wednesday.

Source: Supplied

Full Story Source: ‘Fake chief’ demands R100 per household to sue King

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