Councillors slam senior official’s ‘fishy’ appointment

By Anita Dangazele
Nelson Mandela Bay municipality’s acting executive director of transport, Givon van Eyck, got the job just four days after coming back from a two-year suspension for alleged financial misconduct.
Councillors are upset because Van Eyck was also appointed to the supply chain bid adjudication committee, which handles tenders, despite an ongoing investigation into his past behaviour.
NMBM roads and transport standing committee members have called for a full investigation into how Van Eyck was allowed to return to work.
The DA’s Rano Kayser, a standing committee member, said Van Eyck’s return has “compromised his investigation because the very same people who have to testify against him now have to report to him”.
Van Eyck was kicked out of a roads and transport committee meeting two weeks ago after councillors said his appointment as executive director was irregular.
The ANC’s Bongani Mani also found it strange that Van Eyck was appointed when the process that led to his suspension was ongoing.
“It is fishy that a person from suspension gets reappointed and is then put in charge of an entire department, and a few days later appointed to the bid adjudication committee,” Mani said.
Van Eyck allegedly returned to work based on the recommendations of a review process done by then-acting city manager Luvuyo Magalela.
Pictured above: NMBM Roads and Transport MMC Bradley Murray.
Source: Facebook
Full Story Source: Councillors slam senior official’s ‘fishy’ appointment