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Londie London and her boyfriend attack journalist at a nightclub



Londie London and her boyfriend Sphamandla Mabonga allegedly attacked a journalist at Konka nightclub.

The victim said the lovebirds and their security guards assaulted her on Tuesday at the parking lot of the nightclub.

The journalist narrated her relationship with the singer to Sunday World.

She claimed to have been writing about the couple but stopped at some point after being threatened.

“In July, I received a threatening call from what I assumed was them [the couple]. I told them that I don’t know them, and I ignored them, but then I decided to withdraw from writing about them because they were not worth it.

“For me, it was free PR [public relations] for them anyway. Then in November Mabonga called and said he broke up with Londie [and that] I must write a story because he trusts me.

“He said sorry for what had happened previously, [saying that was] because he was in love and wanted to impress Londie.”

However, he called that she writes about the end of their relationship, and later asked that she retract the article, but she refused, and that was the end of their relationship.

Their paths crossed on Tuesday, and it left the journalist in trauma.

“They had closed so we were all going out [of the nightclub]. I saw him and I said ‘hi, it’s me, let’s talk’. His bodyguards tried to apprehend me but he told them to let go of me.”

“I told him that I just wanted us to talk. He said Londie was also there, so I saw her and I said ‘let’s all talk then’.

“She started swearing at me … I said ‘I am not here to fight, we can just clear out our issues’. Then he also started swearing. When Londie starts boiling, he does too.”

“They were with some lady, and I was holding my phone. He grabbed the phone from my hand and said I was recording them.”

She said she told Mabonga that the phone was locked and pleaded with him to give it back.

“He punched me on my lips. They all got in their cars and left. I stood in front of their car and told security to give back my phone. Their security pushed me and allowed them to go.”

The journalist was helped by a follower, and she tried to get the help of a police officer.

“The police refused to assist me. I told them that my concern was that my banking apps are on the phone, and that I am not sure what Londie and her man’s intentions are with my phone.”

Full Story Source: Londie London and her boyfriend attack journalist at a nightclub

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