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7 common cookie-baking mistakes to avoid



Creating the perfect batch of cookies is a delightful and rewarding experience, requiring meticulous attention to detail.

Listed below are ways to avoid the common baking mistakes, ensuring your cookies turn out irresistibly delicious.

1. The right butter matters​

Choosing the proper butter is fundamental in the world of cookie baking. Opt for unsalted, high-quality butter with at least 80% fat content. Margarine or salted butter can significantly alter the flavour and texture of your cookies, so choose wisely.

2. ​Precision in measurement​

In the realm of baking, precision is paramount. Invest in proper measuring tools to ensure accurate quantities of ingredients. Precision enhances consistency and maintains a harmonious balance of flavours. Avoid eyeballing measurements as they might disturb the proportions required in a recipe, leading to an undesirable cookie.

3. Allow room for perfection​

Overcrowding the oven is a common pitfall. It’s essential to give your cookies room to breathe. To achieve consistently perfect cookies, arrange them with ample space on the baking sheet, allowing for proper air circulation and even baking.

Freshness in leavening agents

Stale leavening agents can sabotage your cookie endeavours. Check the expiration dates of baking powder and baking soda to ensure they are active. Using stale ingredients can result often in flat and lifeless cookies lacking the desired rise and texture.

4. Handle dough with care​

A crucial tip – avoid overworking the dough. Handle your cookie dough with care. Overmixing can lead to tough cookies with a dense texture. To maintain a tender, melt-in-your-mouth quality, mix the ingredients until just combined.

5. Resist the temptation to peek

During the baking process, we’re all familiar with taking a peek into the oven too often. But little do we realise that each time we open the oven door, we allow heat to escape! Trusting the timer and checking for doneness only during the final minutes is key to achieving perfectly baked cookies.

6. Patience in cooling

The journey to cookie perfection doesn’t end when the timer buzzes. The importance of patience in the cooling process is often overlooked. Allow your cookies to cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack. This ensures proper setting, preventing breakage and ensuring a flawless finish.

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