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5 tips to keep the spark alive in marriage despite long work hours



Today, many of us work long hours, often from early in the morning until late at night. This 9 to 9 lifestyle is becoming common, and it’s taking a toll on marriages.

This lack of time can lead to stress and unhappiness, and it can make us feel disconnected from our spouses.

Intimacy isn’t just about being close physically; it’s also about feeling emotionally connected, and this is hard to maintain when we’re always busy or tired from work.

The struggle is real for intimacy in busy lives. Intimacy issues are common when both partners work a lot.

We might not talk as much, we might feel emotionally distant, or we might not be interested in physical closeness because we’re just too tired.

It’s not just about not having enough time; it’s also about not being in the right headspace for intimacy when we do have time.

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Full Story Source: 5 tips to keep the spark alive in marriage despite long work hours

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