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December concerts: 5 safety tips to keep in mind



Your favorite rock star band or rapper is coming to town and is going to be performing at a club or street near you.

It’s an event you can’t miss, and you have the tickets already. You and your friends are looking forward to the day when you see your favorite artist perform.

But do you know that there are some safety precautions at every concert that you need to be aware of, especially during holiday period?

Yes, as you have fun, you should stay safe. Here are few safety tips for all.

1. Never Go Alone

You obviously have friends or relatives who share the same music taste. Maybe they don’t want to attend the concert, but you can convince them by getting them a ticket as well.

You should have extra eyes, you never know, the person behind you might have negative intentions.

2. Be Cautious Of Your Surroundings

The front row could be VIP, so if you and your friends buy the front row tickets,  worry less. However, if you settled for a regular ticket, be cautious of what is happening around you.

From people moving with the music rhythm around you and the band playing, be observant. The guitarist might hit his guitar on the floor so hard that it shutters and fragments come flying towards you.

3. Protect Your Money

You will come across different people at the concert. There are those who dance, ones that sing horribly, and people who used the only money they had to buy tickets.

The latter might be peeping in your back pocket. So, put your money in the breast pocket, in your shoes, or your undies.

4. Hydrate As Much As Possible

“Being at a concert is like working out. You are bound to sweat. That’s a sure bet.”

You will dance, and the sun will not have to scorch you, the hot bodies around you will. The show will take two hours or three on average and so if you can, carry a bottle of water to the concert.

5. Let Close Relatives And Friends Know Where You Will Be

If you are planning to attend an upcoming concert, don’t exile on your relatives and friends. The best you can do is let them know where your love for music will take you.

In case of an emergency, people will know where to get you. Do you remember what happened at Ariana Grande’s concert in Manchester? it’s better to know where someone close is when it becomes messy.

6. Leave Your Valuables Behind

You never know, it could be the last day you wear that golden bracelet or use your iPhone. Concerts usually have a notion that all fans are a family, but don’t be fooled.

Make sure your things are safe by leaving them in your house or your car. You can alternatively hire a bodyguard.

7. Dress Well

Think about where you will be seated (or stand). In the center, back, or front. If you are going to be in the center, just like we mentioned before, you will sweat, so wear lighter clothes.

8. Watch For Security

If you notice that someone is behaving funny, a suspicious person, or an accident happens, who will you report to? The security guy of course.

You should know who to turn to, and where they are. Don’t concentrate too much on the music and forget about your safety.

9. Get There On Time Or Early

You will love to be there early to get an excellent position where you can have a fantastic view. But that’s not the only reason you should be among the first people to go in.

Get there early to get a feeling of your environment.

10. Don’t Take Alcohol Or Drugs From Other People

You should never accept alcohol, pills, or drugs from people you barely know. You cannot tell what is in them. You can get drugged, and stolen from or who knows? Rape is real!

Full Story Source: December concerts: 5 safety tips to keep in mind

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