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Zuma Rejects State Capture Report Findings



Zuma Rejects State Capture Report Findings-SurgeZirc SA
Jacob Zuma/Photo File: Briefly

The Zondo Commission of Inquiry into State Capture’s findings aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. That is former President Jacob Zuma’s reaction to the acting Chief Justice’s third report.

On Tuesday, the commission delivered part three of the state capture report to the Presidency. It discovered reasonable grounds to believe Zuma’s relationship with Bosasa contravened his constitutional obligations.

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Bosasa is said to have paid R300,000 per month to the Jacob Zuma Foundation. Angelo Agrizzi, Bosasa’s former chief operations officer, presented the majority of the evidence against Zuma.

According to the Jacob Zuma Foundation, the former President was denied the opportunity to present his side of the story on a neutral platform. Zuma will study the findings and consult his lawyers about what to do next.

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