Cape Town International Airport only has enough jet fuel for four to six days.
The reason for the short supply is a vessel carrying a fuel shipment has been delayed at sea due to adverse weather conditions.
Airports Company South Africa’s Gopolang Peme said they have asked airlines to reduce refuelling at Cape Town.
“Various fuel suppliers are also holding stock in their tanks and will deliver additional jet fuel to the airport. We do urge all our passengers not to be concerned as this will not impact any of their flights or their travel. Contingency plans are underway and it is business as usual across our airports including Cape Town international airport,” said Peme.
In other news – No baby number 2 for Faith Nketsi any time soon
South African reality TV star Faith Nketsi has opened up about her birthing experience and the trauma it left her with.
The reality star recently took to Twitter to share her experience with fans, saying she was in labour for 26 hours before she held her baby in her arms which made her think twice about baby number two. “26 hours in labour is enough to make me never ever want to go through that again. Maybe I’ll change my mind one day, who knows. Learn More