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Azwindini shocked as Mpho turns into a frog in Mulumisi’s hut on Muvhango



Azwindini couldn’t believe his eyes when he walks into Mulimisi’s hut to find Mpho turning into a live frog. Mulimisi’s disappearing magic has dire consequences for Mpho and Rosemary.

Last night Mulimisi used a very strong spell to make Mpho and Rosemary transparent, so they could walk around Thathe and it worked.

While Masindi was knocking on the door asking to see Mulimisi for a consultation the two had disappeared and two containers that were shaped into a frog were on the floor.

Masindi couldn’t see them but Mulimisi knew they were there.

When Rosemary requested Mulimisi to use the magic spell on them, Mulimisi told her that this spell is too heavy to use on a normal human being and that it was meant for ordained Kings and Queens.
He also said that he doesn’t believe that the two ladies could handle it.

It looks like the ladies should have listened because things are going to turn seriously ugly tonight.

Azwindini found out that Rosemary was in Thathe last night after Kgosi tracked her phone there.

He clearly went back to the village to confront her about harbouring a fugitive and kidnapping Gugu, but what he is going there is the most shocking situation ever.

Mpho says the ancestors want her to help Rosemary as her spiritual guide
Mpho says the ancestors want her to help Rosemary as her spiritual guide. Image: Instagram

Azwindini walks into Mulimis’s hut and finds Mpho covered in a jelly-like substance and struggling to completely transform back into human form. Mpho is lying on the floor and a frog can be seen flashing in front of her while she looks like she is transforming into a frog herself.

The scene looks very intense and is not for the faint-hearted. These are the dangerous effects that Mulimisi was referring to when he explained that Rise and Mpho won’t be able to handle this spell.

First Azwindini is shocked to learn that Mpho was hiding in the Royal palace and secondly he walks into the most shocking scene of Mpho turning into an animal right in front of him.

Azwindini is stopped in his tracks and almost falls to the ground from the shock.

The question now is what is Rosemary’s state and where is Mulimisi?

What is the Chief going to do about what he saw and about the fact that Mulimisi helped Rosemary and Mpho when he knew what they did?

Watch as Mpho turns into a frog below:


Source Link Azwindini shocked as Mpho turns into a frog in Mulumisi’s hut on Muvhango

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