“She is a returned soldier” Watch as The Moroka family rejects Fikile because she is a divorcee, this week on Generations The Legacy. Viewers react!

The Morokas rejected Fikile because she is a divorcee this week on Generations The Legacy.
Double Standards
The Moroka elders arrive to start the process for Mazwi and Fikile’s nuptials, but it turns into a disastrous mess when they start to judge her about her past.
Uncle Kenosi is Kabisi’s elder brother and he arrives this week to give orders on who a Maroka heir like Mazwi should marry and according to him, that person is not Fikile. The elder feels that Fikile is a has-been because she has been married before and therefore unfit to be a Moroka Makoti.
Viewers of the show immediately took to social media pages to express their shock at the hypocrisy. They firstly pointed out that Mazwi is also a returned soldier because he was married to Sphe making him a returned soldier as well.
The second point is that Fikile is also monied, and cannot be called a gold digger. The third point is that they both run Moroka Media and are equal shareholders, intact without Fikile the company would not be as strong as it is.

Kenosi and Kabisi get into a serious argument over this because Kenosi doesn’t want to hear the other side. Kabisi tells him that they are just going to have to accept Mazwi’s choice, whether they agree or not. Mazwi has put his foot down and said they can’t control him.
Generations have tackled the issue of elders choosing partners for their children before. Mazwi married Sphe due to an arranged marriage and not by their choice. Their marriage was a business arrangement and the elders felt that they were fit for one another because both the families were rich and Sphe comes from a family of Royals in KwaZulu Natal.
Mazwi was in a relationship with Nolwazi while married to Sphe and actually considered taking her as his second wife.
He was really in love with Nolwazi but because of the family, he married Sphe. This has caused viewers to get into a debate about the hypocrisy and the unfairness of the unwritten laws that families impose on their children because of culture. The Morokas clearly think Fikile has used goods now because she lived with a man and gave birth to his children, and feel that Mazwi deserves better than a divorcee, and yet Mazwi also went through the same processes.
Watch the Moroka elders call Fikile unfit to be a Makoti below:
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Source Link “She is a returned soldier” Watch as The Moroka family rejects Fikile because she is a divorcee, this week on Generations The Legacy. Viewers react!