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5 signs that say you are heavily dependent on your partner



Some amount of co-dependency is acceptable when you are romantically involved with someone.

After all, that’s what a life partner is for—someone to share your problems with, celebrate your victories or attend important life events with.

Hence, it’s not surprising to find partners who do a lot of things together, like attending parties, shopping or having a joint bank account.

Sometimes, this dependency on a partner can go wrong on so many levels that it might start affecting the relationship.

For a relationship or marriage to last long, the partners should learn to give each other some space.

According to relationship experts, if you are looking for someone to complete you and thereby become totally dependant on that person for your survival, it can be a red flag for the relationship.

So, let’s look at a few signs that say you are being over-dependant on your partner and it can spell doom for the relationship.

Full Story Source: 5 signs that say you are heavily dependent on your partner

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