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4 signs your proposal ring was just to get you to ‘shut up’




If you want to know if the ring on your finger was to stop you from complaining or was a token of their undying love and respect for you, here’s how to know:

If he proposes to you right after you caught him cheating and were threatening to walk out of the relationship, then you definitely have a ‘shut up’ ring.

He was forced to propose because he thought you’d walk away if he didn’t make such a commitment.

You may have nagged him to take the relationship to another level for a long time but it never happened.

Just when you meet someone who treats you better and you start to get along with this person, your partner comes with a ring to confuse you and stop you from moving on.

Whether it is physical, emotional, or verbal, abuse is abuse. If he gives you a ring right after he’s abused you then he’s just shutting you up.

He’s only giving it to you for fear that you may walk out of the relationship and the ring is also a handcuff that’s going to lock you in for further abuse.

You two may have been dating for more than 4 years without any seriousness on his part, finally, you were tired of the games and were starting to withdraw.

Or maybe you saw the red flags and decided to move on but then the ring came and changed your mind.

Understanding the context of the proposal can help you determine whether the ring symbolizes a genuine commitment or is merely a means to silence discontent.


Full Story Source: 4 signs your proposal ring was just to get you to ‘shut up’

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